Protagonist Sports Technologies
featuring Dr. Edythe Heus and Marv Marinovich
Diagnose your needs

The Protagonist Sports Technologies system utilizes a unique, precise way to assess and pinpoint weaknesses and priorities found in all athletes. This is followed by the proper synergistic combination of maximum speed and strength recruitement techniques, plyometrics, specific nervous system and proprioceptive training, correct periodization and hormonal modulation through high performance dietary engineering. During the season, our program is utilized to fine tune, solve and correct deficiencies to prevent injury while preserving ability and skill.

Our highly successful core stabilizer approach
Slideboard with
elastic resistance
Walking Lunges
          with weight
Most athletic training is based on bodybuilding and weight training principles. In these cases training of the muscles is linear (that is, in one plane). However, athletics and daily life is rarely linear and lack of preparedness leads to injury. Our program is as multdimensional as possible, with the most gravitationally challenging environment an athlete would ever experience. The result is that all of our exercises are done under a variety of unstable conditions. We do so to stimulate true core stabilizing muscles which stimulate the nervous system to recruit more muscles and more muscle fibers. A significant discovery is that CORE STABILIZERS are the multitude of muscles that attach on or very close to the spine that cause multidimensional micromovement, stimulate the nervous system and initiate the engagement of many muscles. By strengthening the core stabilizers and recruiting them more thoroughly, fewer muscles bear the extra load of stabilizing and are more free to move and power the athlete. Proper training of these muscles can be the difference between success and failure in sport.

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