No one wants to injure their ankle. But if you or someone you know does, realize there are several ways to come back from an ankle injury by building strength and balance through specific exercises.
In order to come back from ankle injuries, try doing two to three sets of these helpful exercises three times a week, working both legs:
1) Single leg stand – Stand up with all your weight on one leg for up to 60 seconds and then switch legs and repeat this balancing act.
2) Heel-toe walks – Following a straight line across a room, put one foot in front of the other, heel to toe, moving forward and then backwards, at least three times.
3) Towel scrunching – As you sit in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor, use a towel underneath the one foot while trying to pick it up using your scrunched toes. Keep your heel on the floor while doing this. After about a dozen times with the one foot, switch and use the other.
Besides these exercises, consider using the Jumpsoles v5.0 Ultimate Proprioceptor Advanced Increase Vertical Leap & Speed Training Kit. Complete with an instructional video and training manual, this kit will find you utilizing your ankles in productive ways to help them get stronger. With repeated use, you’ll find you’re able to jump better than before as your ankles are able to work faster, harder and more explosively when you need them to during intense athletic activities like basketball.