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  Home > Resistance Bands > Stretch N Strength Flex Bands Set of 4 - 2 Low (Lvl 3) + 2 Med (Lvl 4) Elastic Resistance Ban
Stretch N Strength Flex Bands Set of 4 - 2 Low (Lvl 3) + 2 Med (Lvl 4) Elastic Resistance Ban

Stretch N Strength Flex Bands Set of 4 - 2 Low (Lvl 3) + 2 Med (Lvl 4) Elastic Resistance Ban

Price: $129.95

Stretch N Strength Elastic Resistance Flex Bands wrap around the body or body's extremities to produce natural and healthy ranges of motion and variable-resisted-active-isolated-stretching. Stretch N Strength Flex Bands have been proven effective for flexibility workouts, injury rehabilitation, and weight training. Strength gains can be achieved by attaching the bands to free weights or manipulating them around the body for resistance. 41" lay down length (82" circumference). Includes 2 Low (3/7) Resistance Bands (1 1/8" wide 30 - 50 lbs. resistance) and 2 Medium (4/7) Resistance Bands (1 3/4" wide 65 - 85 lbs. resistance)

Thanks for the fast shipment of my super-cool stretch N strength bands. I'm very happy with them and more importantly, my clients like them too.

- Joe Pavel - Fitness Trainer/Kettlebell Trainer

More Info About Stretch N Strength Flex Bands



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