LeBron and Greg Oden train this way. You can too.

Lebron has long been running in his swimming pool to train. Greg Oden follows what works to do his own water training. See Greg's story at right.

Whatever your sport, fatigue and injuries are barriers to your success. Being at your best for those moments of competition is what training is all about, but surviving your training schedule without injury can be your greatest challenge. Running is one of the best forms of cardio-vascular exercise but is also one of the primary contributors to lower body injuries. Running in the forgiving environment of water can help you reduce the risk of injury and increase fitness levels in ways that cannot be accomplished with land exercise alone. In a world of impact, start thinking amphibious. You can add water exercises to your dry land exercises to stay in top form longer and with fewer injuries.

What's so special about water? Here are 6 excellent reasons to train in water:
1. No impact running. Your body weighs about 10% of its land weight when up to your neck in water. If you weigh 200 lbs. when standing on land, you weigh only 20 lbs. in water. With the addition of a buoyancy belt like the AquaJogger, you can run with your head comfortably out of water, breathe normally, and accomplish most of the same workouts you perform on land.
In the water your musculo-skeletal system is no longer bearing weight, so it can be recovering from all the pounding of your land based programs while you focus your conditioning on the cardio-pulmonary system. No pounding...no impact.
2. Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditioning. A decade of research by a variety of sources has shown that the training effect of water running can be equal or greater than the same level of effort on land. Improve your cardio-pulmonary conditioning while giving your weight-bearing joints and muscles a day off.
3. Resistance. Water creates resistance to movement in all directions through a full range of motion. Increase or decrease the intensity by changing the speed of your movements. Being submerged in water is like having an adjustable weight machine surrounding your body.
4. Massage. Water massages your muscles with every movement of your arms and legs. This action increases circulation, promotes relaxation, and helps remove stress and tension.
5. Up to your neck. Being up to your neck in water produces physiological changes in your body that help remove metabolic waste, improve cardiac function, lower blood pressure, and assist the body in tissue healing. Start thinking about how you can use these changes to accelerate your recovery from competition, training sessions, and injuries.
6. Familiar Conditioning Program. Much of what you know about land-based conditioning and fitness programs applies to water exercise. It's easy to transfer your regimen of land-based exercises and conditioning programs into this friendly environment.
Water training works. It's fun, and it's one the most beneficial ways to accelerate your recovery and conditioning.


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Sport Specific Exercise of the Week

1. From a standing position, jump as high as possible and land down on your feet with your hands on the ground.
2. Kick your feet back. For a moment you will be in a push up position and jump back up again as fast as possible.
3. Repeat for 3 sets of 40 seconds

Trainer's comments:
For an insane workout
add a clapping push-up at the bottom position. Remember: 20 seconds rest between stations.You can take 1 minute between circuit "passes".
For Sport Specific insider information, visit SportSpecific.com

For Sport Specific Tips that will help you improve and excel in your sport, visit SportSpecific.com

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Greg Oden Rehab
NBA on TNT featured Greg Oden  training with
AQx Aquatic Training Shoes

Portland, Oregon - Greg Oden of the Portland Trailblazers, the NBA's #1 draft pick was out for the season due to injury. A good amount of his rehab was done in the pool. Click the link below to see Greg Oden training in the pool with the AQx Aquatic Training Shoes. The shoes added resistance to Greg's workout and paved the way for a speedy recovery.

See link:
Greg Oden in AQx Aquatic Training Shoes
Greg Oden

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