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7 Keys to Effective Free Throw Shooting

1)  Align - your shooting foot, elbow, hand, and ball should be aligned in a straight line.  Your shooting foot should always be in the same spot when taking free throws.  Place your toe in the exact center of the free throw line.  Place your feet shoulder-width apart in a balanced, staggered stance.

2)  Grip - The ball is in place on your shooting hand, with your balance hand on the side of the ball

3)  Elbow - keep the elbow in close to the body, up and in front of the wrist.  Make a "L" shape at the elbow.

cont'd below ...
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4)  Weight Forward - put more weight over the front foot, hold the head steady, and keep the back straight

5)  Aim - the focus should be on the center of the ring or the center eyelet at the back of the rim.  The focus should continue until the ball goes through the net.

6)  Pause - at the bottom of the shot, you should pause for an instant until physically and mentally calm and focused, but no longer. After the pause, all motion should be up and over toward the basket.

7)  Follow-through - full extension of the arm and wrist are keys to the follow-through.  The shooter should come up off the floor - get power from the legs.  Release high and hold the follow-through until the ball hits the net.  Imagine putting your hand in the basket.  Come up and finish on your toes.  Stay in the shot and stay looking forward with your hand in the basket.


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