Improve Running Endurance

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Volleyball Topic #470
Two Ways to Improve Your Running Endurance  

1. Endurance Athletes - Should You Strength Train?

During the 1970s, distance runners would run as much as 150 miles per week, as they believed running slowly would allow them to run shorter distances faster.  They assumed that over-distance training was best for building the cardiovascular system and power was unimportant for endurance athletes.

Finnish researchers found that practicing plyometrics and power exercises drastically improved distance running performance without affecting oxygen capacity (J Appl Physiol, 86L: 1527-1533, 1999).  Australian scientists found the same thing: strength training encreaes speed and running efficiency.  Runners should include weight training and plyometric exercises in their training programs.

2. Weight Vests Build Strength and Endurance

Overweight people usually have more muscle mass than lean people of the same height.  Carrying excess body fat is like weight training 24/7.  Wearing a weighted vest has the advantage of loading your body without the disadvantage of carrying excess, unhealthy fat.  Using a vest when you play basketball, run, or practice plyometrics builds strength, endurance, and agility and increases caloric consumption.  Boost the caloric cost of treadmill walking by wearing a vest.  Weighted vests are easier on the joints than wearing ankle or wrist weights.  

(info FitnessRX for Men, March 2006)

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