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5 Ball Handling Drills for Quarterbacks

1. Grip Drop Drill: (one minute)
  a) Hold ball at waist level with one hand
  b) Bring ball up 6 to 8 inches.
  c) Let go of ball completely, then re-grip it.
  d) Don’t slap at ball, but squeeze it.
  e) Alternate right and left hand.
  f) Increase speed as you get better.

2. Grip Lock Drill: (one minute)
  a) Hold ball at chest level with two hands.
  b) Let go with the left and swing the ball to the right.
  c) Turn palm out with thumb facing down.
  d) Lock elbow at full extension
  e) Bring ball back to starting position.
  f) Exchange ball from left hand as fast a possible.
  g) Do the same with left arm.
  h) Increase speed as you get better.

cont'd below ...
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cont'd from above...

3. Globetrottering: (one minute)
  a) Hold ball in front of body with two hands.
  b) Pass ball behind back.
  c) Pass ball between legs.
  d) Change directions.
  e) This develops sense of touch.
  f) Increases speed as you get better.

4. Combination: (on minute)
 a) Combine the above three drills.
 b) Increase speed as you get better.

5. Ball Isometric:
 a) Grip ball as tightly as possible for 10 seconds.
 b) Alternate right and left hand.
 c) Repeat four times.

Submitted by: Toby

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