
Rest and Recovery

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Sports Training Tips Topic #476
Rest and Recovery: The Overlooked Aspect of Training Success
(Part 1 of 2)

Few people recognize the importance of rest and recovery in their ultimate success. When you look objectively at the dynamics of how our bodies adapt to training it quickly becomes apparent how important this often-overlooked aspect is.

The workouts themselves only provide the stimulus for change; the change itself (hopefully an improvement in fitness level) takes place during the periods between workouts. How quickly and completely this recovery takes place is resultant of many commonly overlooked factors, including specific dietary habits, supplementation, age and personal stress levels, just to name a few.

Continued Below...

Sport Specific Exercise of the Week!
Medicine Ball V-Ups - The Ultimate Medicine Ball Ab Exercise that will get your muscles burning!
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor or bench with knees straight, both hands extended behind your head holding a medicine ball. Keep elbow back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extend arms and also raise legs up toward ceiling.
3) Return to start position.
Do sets of 40 seconds, and build up to 3 sets.
For Sport Specific insider information, visit
For Medicine Ball information, go here
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    7 Factors That Effect Recovery Rates

    Age- Older individuals will need longer recovery periods than their younger counterparts. It is suggested that around 25 years old is when most trainees will need to start to allow for longer recovery periods.

    Experience - More experienced trainees will need less recovery time than new trainees will.

    Fiber Type Trained - Fast twitch muscle fibers will fatigue faster than slow twitch muscle fibers.

    Energy System Used - Training sessions that tax the aerobic pathway of muscular energetics (oxidative pathway) will need longer recovery periods than sessions that tax the anaerobic pathways (ATP/CP and glycolitic pathways).

    Psychological Factors - Never underestimate the power of the mind. Work, finances, personal relationships and basic everyday life can all cause stress. If left unchecked stress can have very powerful physical manifestations - headaches, insomnia and an increase in catabolic hormones such as cortisol, just to name a few.

    Replenishment of Nutrients - The availability of key micro- and macronutrients in a trainee's diet will have a large impact on recovery.

    Efficiency of Waste Removal - The faster your body can rid itself of the metabolic wastes generated by training the faster you will recover.

    This is just a partial list, but one that covers the majority of common factors that effect recovery. Looking over the list, we can see that you have the ability to manipulate a few of these factors, some to a greater degree than others will. For example, there isn't much you can do about your age, but you can take steps to ensure adequate nutrition.

    Maximizing recovery between training sessions requires a multi-dimensional approach.  This is a good time to point out that glycogen replenishment is an extremely important thing to consider when planning recovery from a training session. Glycogen is used up during exercise and takes much longer to replenish than phosphagen does, ranging from 24 hours for after intermittent activity (like performing sets in the gym) to 48 hours for prolonged activities (like a long, continual run). The first 2 hours after exercise are very critical for glycogen replacement.

    During this time your body has the ability to very rapidly restore muscle glycogen, which is why a post-workout shake high in protein and carbs is so strongly advocated in most strength training circles. Miss this window of opportunity and your recover is greatly retarded. Only a diet that is relatively high in carbohydrates can ensure full glycogen replenishment, making a ketogenic diet and other low carb diets a bad choice from a recovery standpoint.

    Next Part Tip 477: Therapeutic Modalities - methods and options to help speed and maximize recovery between training sessions.

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